LRL_D(LRL_Err_NoError, "No error. This is a bug in the compiler") LRL_D(LRL_Err_IllegalCharacter, "Illegal character") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UnclosedParenthesis, "Parenthesis not closed") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UnexpectedToken, "Unexpected token") LRL_D(LRL_Err_NotADeclaration, "Not a valid declaration") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UndeclaredIdentifier, "Undeclared identifier") LRL_D(LRL_Err_OperatorExpected, "Operator expected here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedIdentifier, "Expected an identifier here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedExponentPart, "Expected exponent part") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedHexDigit, "Expected hex digit") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UnexpectedCharInNumber, "Unexpected character in number") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ColonWithoutSubident, "No subidentifier found after colon") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedType, "Expected a type here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedFunctionBody, "Expected a function body here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExtraneousSemicolonInDefList, "Extraneous semicolon in declaration area") LRL_D(LRL_Err_SemicolonWithoutStatement, "Semicolon without statement") LRL_D(LRL_Err_DoWhileWithoutBlock, "do-while loops requires a {} block") LRL_D(LRL_Err_InvalidDeclaration, "Neither a declaration nor an expression") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UnclosedComment, "Comment not closed") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeParameterNotOnIdent, "Type parameter on non-identifier") LRL_D(LRL_Err_LocalTypeParamNotBoundHere, "Local type parameter is not bound here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_DataWithTypeParameters, "Variables may not have type parameters. Write type#[] for an array") LRL_D(LRL_Err_DataWithNoReturn, "noreturn can only be used as a function return type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierOnTypeParamList, "Qualifier on a type parameter list") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierOnFunction, "Qualifier on a function") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierOnEnumList, "Qualifier on an enum list") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierOnBitsList, "Qualifier on a bits list") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierOnArray, "Qualifier on array (should be on element)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierOnOptional, "Qualifier on optional type (should be on its value type)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierOnNoReturn, "Qualifier on noreturn") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypedefVarIsDefault, "The \"var\" qualifier usually makes no sense when specified directly on a typedef.") LRL_D(LRL_Err_DataConstIsDefault, "The \"const\" qualifier makes no sense directly on a data declaration since it's the default.") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ConstOnPointer, "The \"const\" qualifier makes no sense on pointer targets since it's the default") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualOnLoopVariable, "Qualifier does not make sense on loop variables.") LRL_D(LRL_Err_NoTypeAfterQualifier, "No type after qualifier") LRL_D(LRL_Err_VarInsideType, "\"var\" qualifier cannot appear directly inside a compound type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_LocalSharedWithoutVar, "\"shared\" local variable that cannot ever be modified") LRL_D(LRL_Err_QualifierNotAllowed, "Qualifier is not allowed here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_EmptyArrayLength, "Empty array length") LRL_D(LRL_Err_EmptyTypeParamList, "Empty type parameter list") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MemberIsNotAnIdent, "Struct member is not an identifier") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MemberOfNonStruct, "Trying to get a member of a non-struct value") LRL_D(LRL_Err_SemicolonBeforeBody, "Semicolon before body") LRL_D(LRL_Err_IdentIsNotType, "Identifier is not a type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_IdentIsNotValue, "Identifier is not a value") LRL_D(LRL_Err_IdentIsNotGotoLabel, "Identifier is not a goto label") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MissingIncompleteKeyword, "Implicitly private or incomplete typedef must have \"incomplete\" keyword") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UselessIncompleteKeyword, "Only implicitly private and incomplete types may have \"incomplete\"") LRL_D(LRL_Err_IncompleteKeywordNotOnTypedef, "The \"incomplete\" keyword is only to be used on typedef'ed types") LRL_D(LRL_Err_IncompleteExpression, "Incomplete expression") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedBoolExpr, "Expected expression of boolean type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedNumberExpr, "Expected expression of number type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedOptionalExpr, "Expected expression of optional type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedPointerExpr, "Expected expression of pointer type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedArrayExpr, "Expected expression of array type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedEnumExpr, "Expected expression of enum type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExprResultNotUsed, "Expression result not used") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TakingValueOfPrivateType, "Can't take the value of a private type, or allocate it") LRL_D(LRL_Err_SizeOfWithPrivateType, "Can't determine size or alignment of private type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_SizeOfWithSemiPrivateType, "Can only determine minimum size of semi-private type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_SizeOfFunction, "Can't take size/alignment/offset of function") LRL_D(LRL_Err_SizeOfAny, "Can't take size/alignment/offset of \"any\" type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_SizeOfUnknownLengthArray, "Can't take size/alignment/offset of unkown-length array") LRL_D(LRL_Err_NamedTypesMustBeSame, "Type mismatch: Types with names must be the same") LRL_D(LRL_Err_NotStructurallyCompatibleTypes, "Type mismatch: Type structure is not compatible") LRL_D(LRL_Err_PrivateTypesAreNotCompatible, "Private types aren't compatible") LRL_D(LRL_Err_AmbiguousStmtType, "Type of statement is ambiguous") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UnclosedString, "String not closed") LRL_D(LRL_Err_InvalidCharacterEscape, "Invalid character escape code") LRL_D(LRL_Err_InvalidUnicodeCodepoint, "Invalid unicode codepoint (maximum is 0x10FFF)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CommentStartMustBeEscaped, "Comment start sequence /* in string must be escaped as /\\*") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CommentEndMustBeEscaped, "Comment end sequence */ in string must be escaped as *\\/") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CommentInsideLineComment, "Comment start or end sequences may not appear in line comments") LRL_D(LRL_Err_LineCommentAfterAsterisk, "Must place a space between asterisk and line comment") LRL_D(LRL_Err_VarAlias, "Aliases can't be variable") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpectedLinknameString, "Expected link name string after keyword") LRL_D(LRL_Err_LinkageFlagsNotAllowedHere, "Linkage flags (local, export, import) not allowed here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_LinknameNotAllowedHere, "Linkname qualifier makes no sense here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MultipleDifferentLinknames, "Different linknames have been defined") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ImportWithValue, "Variable has a value and can't be imported/deconly") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ImportWithBody, "Function has a body and can't be imported/declonly") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExpressionIsNotCallable, "Expression is not callable (not a function)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_WrongNumberOfArguments, "Wrong number of arguments") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ModifyNonLocalNamespace, "Attempt to modify non-local namespace") LRL_D(LRL_Err_NamespaceNotAllowed, "Unexpected colon. Namespaces are not allowed here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MemberDoesntExist, "Struct member doesn't exist") LRL_D(LRL_Err_NotAMember, "Identifier isn't a member inside the struct") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetTypeIsNotSuperset, "Target type doesn't accept all values of the source type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetTypeIsNotEqual, "Nested type must be equal to source type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeParametersDiffer, "Type parameters differ (must be equal types)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CantDetermineExprType, "Can't determine type of expression. Try using \"... as type\"") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CantDetermineArrayExprType, "Can't determine type of array expression. Try using \"(... as type)#[...]\"") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MissingArrayIndex, "Missing array index") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeHasNoTypeScope, "Target type has no type scope") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeIdentMakesNoSense, "Type identifier makes no sense here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotArrayType, "Target type is not an array type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotStructType, "Target type is not a struct") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotFloatType, "Target type is not a float") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotUnsignedType, "Target type is not an unsigned integer") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotSignedType, "Target type is not a signed number") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotNumberType, "Target type is not a number") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotBooleanType, "Target type is not boolean") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotPointerType, "Target type is not a pointer") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetIsNotOptionalType, "Target type is not an optional type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TargetMayNotBeEint, "Operation may affect the sign bit and is not allowed with an eint target type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TooFewTypeArgs, "Too few type arguments given") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TooManyTypeArgs, "Too many type arguments given") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MissingTypeParameters, "Parametric type used without type parameters") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ParamsOnNonParamType, "Non-parametric type used with type parameters") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeParamWithNamespace, "Type parameter may not be accessed with namespace") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeParamFromOtherType, "Type parameter from other type may not be accessed") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TooFewStructElems, "Too few elements in struct value") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TooManyStructElems, "Too many elements in struct value") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ArrayLengthsDiffer, "Array lengths differ") LRL_D(LRL_Err_EnumTypeNamesDiffer, "Value names in enum types differ") LRL_D(LRL_Err_EnumTypeValuesDiffer, "Values in enum types differ") LRL_D(LRL_Err_EnumTypeWithFewerValues, "Target enum type has fewer values") LRL_D(LRL_Err_EnumTypesNotEqual, "Enum types must match exactly in this context") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MemberCountDiffers, "Member count in structs/unions differ") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MembersNamesDiffer, "Member names in structs/unions differ") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CantCompareExprsStatically, "Can't compare expressions statically") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ConstantTooComplex, "Constant value is variable or too complex") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ArrayLengthTooComplex, "Array length is variable or too complex") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExprMayNotBeVar, "Expression may not be var") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ExprMayNotBeShared, "Expression may not be shared") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TrailingCommaInArgList, "Trailing comma in argument or index list") LRL_D(LRL_Err_FunctionNotInPointer, "Function type must be in a pointer type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_AnyTypeNotInPointer, "\"any\" type must be in a pointer type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UnknownLengthArrayNotInPointer, "Unknown-length array must be in a pointer type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_EmptyExprInList, "Empty expression (or double comma) in list") LRL_D(LRL_Err_RepeatedKeyword, "Repeated keyword") LRL_D(LRL_Err_DuplicateIdentifier, "Duplicate identifier (or multiple declarations with the same name)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_DuplicateTypedef, "Multiple type declarations with the same name") LRL_D(LRL_Err_HereNotAllowedHere, "\"here\" keyword can't be used here") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MissingOperand, "Operator is missing an operand") LRL_D(LRL_Err_IntegerLargerThanLargestType, "Number is larger than the largest integer type (which is 128-bit)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_ComputedValueTooLarge, "Computed value is too large for the target type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_FunctionsAreNotValues, "Functions are not values. To call, use ()") LRL_D(LRL_Err_FunctionMembersAreNotValues, "Function members (from \"->\" operation) can not be used as values") LRL_D(LRL_Err_FunctionMemberOfTypeWithoutNamespace, "Attempting to get function member of type without a namespace") LRL_D(LRL_Err_FunctionHasNoThisParam, "Function has no \"this\" parameter") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CannotAssignToConstant, "Can't assign to constant data") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MustBeLValue, "Expression cannot be assigned to (not an l-value)") LRL_D(LRL_Err_AssignmentInExpression, "Assignment in expressions is not allowed") LRL_D(LRL_Err_InvalidArrayIndex, "Invalid array index") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MismatchedRCurly, "Mismatched \"}\". There may be one too much above") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeIsNotIterable, "Type is not iterable") LRL_D(LRL_Err_BreakContinueOutsideLoop, "Cannot use 'break' or 'continue' outside a loop") LRL_D(LRL_Err_MustReturnAValue, "Function has a return type and must return a value") LRL_D(LRL_Err_InvalidBitfieldType, "The backing type for a bitfield must be of an unsigned integer type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_OptionalRawPointer, "An optional raw pointer makes no sense. Raw pointers are implicitly optional") LRL_D(LRL_Err_DoublePlusMinus, "Repeated plus or minus. Pre/post increment/decrement is not supported") LRL_D(LRL_Err_UnexpectedTokenInDefOrStmt, "Unexpected token in declaration or statement") LRL_D(LRL_Err_TypeAssertIsOrInExpected, "Expected \"is\" or \"in\" in type assert statement") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CycleDetected, "Cycle detected involving this identifier") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CyclicTypeDetected, "Cyclic reference in type was detected") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CyclicExprDetected, "Cyclic reference in expression was detected") LRL_D(LRL_Err_InteropNotFound, "Interop not found") LRL_D(LRL_Err_BadInteropOptions, "Bad interop options. Please see earlier errors") LRL_D(LRL_Err_InteropFailed, "Interop failed. Please see earlier errors") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_UnknownToken, "Unknown token") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_MissingOperandInExpr, "Missing operand in expression") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_UnexpectedToken, "Unexpected token") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_UnexpectedSemicolon, "Unexpected semicolon") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_UnexpectedTokenInExpr, "Unexpected token in expression") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_OperatorExpected, "Expected an operator") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_TooManyClosingParens, "Too many closing parentheses in expression") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_SizeOfEndError, "Missing ) at end of sizeof/_Alignof or failure to parse type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_MismatchedParenthesisInExpr, "Mismatched parenthesis in expression") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_IncompleteExpr, "Incomplete expression") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_NoSuchType, "No such type") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_ExpectedBitFieldSize, "Expected number for bit field size") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_ExpectedIdentInEnum, "Expected identifier in enum") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_ExpectedClosingParen, "Expected closing parenthesis") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_UnexpectedTokenInArrayLength, "Unexpected or unsupported token in array length") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_ParenMismatch, "Parenthesis mismatch") LRL_D(LRL_Err_CI_EOFInFunction, "Reached EOF while skipping function body")