linkname ""; // Please keep synced with int main() { int add1 = 1 + 2; int add2 = 1 + -2; int add3 = -1 + 2; int add4 = -1 + -2; int add5 = 0 + 9; int add6 = 1 + 9; int add7 = 2 + 9; int add8 = 0xF + 3; int add9 = 15 + 0xA; int add10 = 0xF + 0xFF; int add11 = +123; int sub1 = 4 - 3; int sub2 = 3 - 4; int sub3 = -4 - 3; int sub4 = -4 - -3; int sub5 = -3 - 0; int sub6 = 0 - -3; int sub7 = -0 - -3; int sub8 = 3 - -0; int mul1 = 0 * 0; int mul2 = 1 * 1; int mul3 = 1 * 2; int mul4 = 7 * 9; int mul5 = 4679 * -6; int mul6 = 0xFF * 99; int mul7 = 0xFF * 0x7F; int mul8 = -10 * 10; int mul9 = -0xA * -0xF3; int mul10 = -0x0 * 3; uint bitand1 = 0x1 bitand 0x3; uint bitand2 = 1 bitand 3; uint bitor1 = 1 bitor 4; uint8 bitxor1 = 1 bitxor 3; bool and1 = :false and :false; bool and2 = :false and :true; bool and3 = :true and :false; bool and4 = :true and :true; bool or1 = :false or :false; bool or2 = :false or :true; bool or3 = :true or :false; bool or4 = :true or :true; bool xor1 = :false xor :false; bool xor2 = :false xor :true; bool xor3 = :true xor :false; bool xor4 = :true xor :true; bool not1 = not :false; bool not2 = not :true; int? opt1 = makeopt 123; int opt2 = (makeopt 123)?; typedef E1 = enum(A=12,B=34); typedef E2 = int enum(A=23,B=45); count enumbase1 = enumbase E1:B; int enumbase2 = enumbase E2:B; (byte a, int b) enum (A=(12,345),B=(34,567)) complexenum = :A; byte enumbase3 = (enumbase complexenum).a; uint shl1 = 1 << 2; uint shl2 = 0xE << 1; uint shl3 = 1 << 0xA; uint shr1 = 2 >> 1; uint shr2 = 0xE >> 1; uint shr3 = 1 >> 0x2; bool ieq1 = 0 == 0; bool ieq2 = 1 == 3; bool ieq3 = -1 == 1; //bool ieq4 = -0 == 0; // FIXME the type of -0 is correctly determined as eint8, but then the unary minus operation is not allowed... bool ieq5 = -1 == -1; bool ieq6 = 12 == 123; bool ieq7 = 0x7FFF == 32767; bool ieq8 = 0xFFFF == 65535; bool ieq9 = 101 == 111; bool ieq10 = -1 == 100_000; //bool ieq11 = 0 == -0; bool ieq12 = -127 == 128; bool ieq13 = -128 == 128; bool ineq1 = 1 != 1; bool ineq2 = 1 != 0; int? noint = none; int? hasint = makeopt 123; bool noneinteq1 = noint == noint; // TODO this currently evaluates to true. should it evaluate to false instead? bool noneinteq2 = noint == none; bool noneinteq3 = none == noint; bool noneinteq4 = hasint == noint; bool noneinteq5 = noint == hasint; bool noneinteq6 = hasint == hasint; bool noneinteq7 = hasint == none; bool noneinteq8 = none == hasint; (bool b, bool c)? nostruct = none; (bool b, bool c)? hasstruct = makeopt (:true, :false); bool nonesteq1 = nostruct == nostruct; bool nonesteq2 = nostruct == none; bool nonesteq3 = none == nostruct; bool nonesteq4 = hasstruct == nostruct; bool nonesteq5 = nostruct == hasstruct; bool nonesteq6 = hasstruct == hasstruct; bool nonesteq7 = hasstruct == none; bool nonesteq8 = none == hasstruct; bool nonestneq1 = nostruct != nostruct; bool nonestneq2 = nostruct != none; bool nonestneq3 = nostruct != hasstruct; bool nonestneq4 = hasstruct != none; bool equalenum1 = E1:A == E1:B; bool equalenum2 = E1:A == E1:A; bool equalenum3 = E1:A == :B; bool equalenum4 = E1:A == :A; bool equalenum5 = :A == E1:B; bool equalenum6 = :A == E1:A; bool equalenum7 = :A != E1:B; bool equalenum8 = :A != E1:A; bool equalenum9 = bool:true == :false; bool equalenum10 = bool:true == :true; bool equalenum11 = bool:true != :false; bool equalenum12 = bool:true != :true; int#[3] arr3a = [1,2,3]; int#[3] arr3b = [1,2,3]; bool arreq1 = arr3a == arr3b; bool arreq2 = arr3a == [1,2,3]; bool arreq3 = [1,2,3] == arr3a; bool arrneq1 = arr3a != arr3b; bool arrneq2 = arr3a != [1,2,3]; bool arrneq3 = [1,2,3] != arr3a; int arrind1a = arr3a#[0]; int arrind1b = arr3a#[0x0]; int arrind2a = arr3a#[1]; int arrind2b = arr3a#[01]; int arrind2c = arr3a#[0_1]; int arrind3a = arr3a#[2]; int arrind3b = arr3a#[0x2]; int arrind3c = arr3a#[0x0_0_02]; (int a, bool b, (byte x, byte y) nested) struct1a = (12, :true, (33, 44)); (int a, bool b, (byte x, byte y) nested) struct1b = (12, :true, (33, 44)); (int a, bool b, (byte x, byte y) nested) struct1x = (12, :true, (33, 33)); bool eqstruct1 = struct1a == struct1a; bool eqstruct2 = struct1a == struct1b; bool eqstruct3 = struct1a == struct1x; bool eqstruct4 = struct1a != struct1a; bool eqstruct5 = struct1a != struct1b; bool eqstruct6 = struct1a != struct1x; int member1 = struct1a.a; bool member2 = struct1a.b; int member3 = struct1a.nested.x; int member4 = struct1a.nested.y; bool less1 = 1 < 2; bool less2 = -3 < 1; bool less3 = 3 < -4; bool less4 = -3 < -4; bool less5 = 0 < 0; //bool less6 = -0 < 0; // FIXME bool less7 = -1 < -1; bool greater1 = 1 > 2; bool greater2 = -3 > 1; bool greater3 = 3 > -4; bool greater4 = -3 > -4; bool greater5 = 0 > 0; //bool greater6 = -0 > 0; // FIXME bool greater7 = -1 > -1; bool lesseq1 = 1 <= 2; bool lesseq2 = -3 <= 1; bool lesseq3 = 3 <= -4; bool lesseq4 = -3 <= -4; bool lesseq5 = 0 <= 0; //bool lesseq6 = -0 <= 0; // FIXME bool lesseq7 = -1 <= -1; bool greatereq1 = 1 >= 2; bool greatereq2 = -3 >= 1; bool greatereq3 = 3 >= -4; bool greatereq4 = -3 >= -4; bool greatereq5 = 0 >= 0; //bool greatereq6 = -0 >= 0; // FIXME bool greatereq7 = -1 >= -1; int cond1 = :true then 12 else 34; int cond2 = :false then 12 else 34; (int x, int y) cond3 = 1==2 then (11,22) else (33,44); bool eqnan1 = 1.2 as float == NaN; bool eqnan2 = NaN == 1.2 as float; bool eqnan3 = NaN as float == 1.2; bool eqnan4 = NaN as float == NaN; bool neqnan1 = 1.2 as float != NaN; bool neqnan2 = NaN != 1.2 as float; bool neqnan3 = NaN as float != 1.2; bool neqnan4 = NaN as float != NaN; int asexpr1 = 12 as byte; int small = 123; byte typeassert1 = small typeassert byte; wuint8 wrap8_1 = 1 + 254; wuint8 wrap8_2 = 1 + 255; wuint8 wrap8_3 = 1 - 2; wuint8 wrap8_4 = 255 + 255 + 255; wuint8 wrap8_5 = 1 - 255 - 255 - 255; wuint16 wrap16_1 = 1 + 65534; wuint16 wrap16_2 = 1 + 65535; wuint16 wrap16_3 = 1 - 2; wuint16 wrap16_4 = 65535 + 65535 + 65535; wuint16 wrap16_5 = 1 - 65535 - 65535 - 65535; wuint32 wrap32_1 = 1 + 4294967294; wuint32 wrap32_2 = 1 + 4294967295; wuint32 wrap32_3 = 1 - 2; wuint32 wrap32_4 = 4294967295 + 4294967295 + 4294967295; wuint32 wrap32_5 = 1 - 4294967295 - 4294967295 - 4294967295; wuint64 wrap64_1 = 1 + 18446744073709551614; wuint64 wrap64_2 = 1 + 18446744073709551615; wuint64 wrap64_3 = 1 - 2; wuint64 wrap64_4 = 18446744073709551615 + 18446744073709551615 + 18446744073709551615; wuint64 wrap64_5 = 1 - 18446744073709551615 - 18446744073709551615 - 18446744073709551615; // TODO 128-bit is not fully implemented in the C backend /*wuint128 wrap128_1 = 170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105728; wuint128 wrap128_2 = 170141183460469231731687303715884105728 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105729; wuint128 wrap128_3 = 1 - 170141183460469231731687303715884105728 - 170141183460469231731687303715884105729; wuint128 wrap128_4 = 1 - 170141183460469231731687303715884105728 - 170141183460469231731687303715884105728; wuint128 wrap128_5 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 * 340282366920938463463374607431768211455; wuint128 wrap128_6 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 * 340282366920938463463374607431768199999;*/ /* TODO: - bitwise complement operator - division and modulus - floating point (arithmetic, compare, etc) - wrap-around types with system-dependent size (wcount/wuint/wushort/...) */ assert add1 == 3; assert add2 == -1; assert add3 == 1; assert add4 == -3; assert add5 == 9; assert add6 == 10; assert add7 == 11; assert add8 == 18; assert add9 == 25; assert add10 == 270; assert add11 == 123; assert sub1 == 1; assert sub2 == -1; assert sub3 == -7; assert sub4 == -1; assert sub5 == -3; assert sub6 == 3; assert sub7 == 3; assert sub8 == 3; assert mul1 == 0; assert mul2 == 1; assert mul3 == 2; assert mul4 == 63; assert mul5 == -28074; assert mul6 == 25245; assert mul7 == 32385; assert mul8 == -100; assert mul9 == 2430; assert mul10 == 0; assert bitand1 == 1; assert bitand2 == 1; assert bitor1 == 5; assert bitxor1 == 2; assert not and1; assert not and2; assert not and3; assert and4; assert not or1; assert or2; assert or3; assert or4; assert not xor1; assert xor2; assert xor3; assert not xor4; assert not1; assert not not2; assert opt1? == 123; assert opt1 == makeopt 123; assert opt2 == 123; assert enumbase1 == 34; assert enumbase2 == 45; assert enumbase3 == 12; assert shl1 == 4; assert shl2 == 28; assert shl3 == 1024; assert shr1 == 1; assert shr2 == 7; assert shr3 == 0; assert ieq1; assert not ieq2; assert not ieq3; //assert ieq4; assert ieq5; assert not ieq6; assert ieq7; assert ieq8; assert not ieq9; assert not ieq10; //assert ieq11; assert not ieq12; assert not ieq13; assert not ineq1; assert ineq2; assert noneinteq1; assert noneinteq2; assert noneinteq3; assert not noneinteq4; assert not noneinteq5; assert noneinteq6; assert not noneinteq7; assert not noneinteq8; assert nonesteq1; assert nonesteq2; assert nonesteq3; assert not nonesteq4; assert not nonesteq5; assert nonesteq6; assert not nonesteq7; assert not nonesteq8; assert not nonestneq1; assert not nonestneq2; assert nostruct != hasstruct; assert hasstruct != none; assert not equalenum1; assert equalenum2; assert not equalenum3; assert equalenum4; assert not equalenum5; assert equalenum6; assert equalenum7; assert not equalenum8; assert not equalenum9; assert equalenum10; assert equalenum11; assert not equalenum12; assert arreq1; assert arreq2; assert arreq3; assert not arrneq1; assert not arrneq2; assert not arrneq3; assert arrind1a == 1; assert arrind1b == 1; assert arrind2a == 2; assert arrind2b == 2; assert arrind2c == 2; assert arrind3a == 3; assert arrind3b == 3; assert arrind3c == 3; assert eqstruct1; assert eqstruct2; assert not eqstruct3; assert not eqstruct4; assert not eqstruct5; assert eqstruct6; assert member1 == 12; assert member2; assert member3 == 33; assert member4 == 44; assert less1; assert less2; assert not less3; assert not less4; assert not less5; //assert not less6; assert not less7; assert not greater1; assert not greater2; assert greater3; assert greater4; assert not greater5; //assert not greater6; assert not greater7; assert lesseq1; assert lesseq2; assert not lesseq3; assert not lesseq4; assert lesseq5; //assert lesseq6; assert lesseq7; assert not greatereq1; assert not greatereq2; assert greatereq3; assert greatereq4; assert greatereq5; //assert greatereq6; assert greatereq7; assert cond1 == 12; assert cond2 == 34; assert cond3 == (33,44); assert not eqnan1; assert not eqnan2; assert not eqnan3; assert not eqnan4; assert neqnan1; assert neqnan2; assert neqnan3; assert neqnan4; assert asexpr1 == 12; assert typeassert1 == 123; assert wrap8_1 == 255; assert wrap8_2 == 0; assert wrap8_3 == 255; assert wrap8_4 == 253; assert wrap8_5 == 4; assert wrap16_1 == 65535; assert wrap16_2 == 0; assert wrap16_3 == 65535; assert wrap16_4 == 65533; assert wrap16_5 == 4; assert wrap32_1 == 4294967295; assert wrap32_2 == 0; assert wrap32_3 == 4294967295; assert wrap32_4 == 4294967293; assert wrap32_5 == 4; assert wrap64_1 == 18446744073709551615; assert wrap64_2 == 0; assert wrap64_3 == 18446744073709551615; assert wrap64_4 == 18446744073709551613; assert wrap64_5 == 4; /*assert wrap128_1 == 0; assert wrap128_2 == 1; assert wrap128_3 == 0; assert wrap128_4 == 1; assert wrap128_5 == 1; assert wrap128_6 == 11457;*/ return 0; }