int#[4] arr_flat = [11, 22, 33, 44]; int#[2,2] arr_nested = [[11, 12], [21, 22]]; var count testvar = 1; /* ERRORS */ int arr_a = arr_flat#[-1]; int arr_b = arr_flat#[4]; int arr_c = arr_nested#[0,-1]; int arr_d = arr_nested#[0,2]; int arr_e = arr_nested#[2,0]; int arr_f = arr_flat#[0x]; int arr_g = arr_nested#[0]; int arr_h = arr_nested#[]; int arr_i = arr_nested#[2]; int arr_j = arr_nested#[testvar]; int arr_k = arr_flat#[testvar]; /* ERRORS */ count test_a = testvar; count test_b = testvar+1; /* At least one error in the following lines should be reported, but it which line doens't matter (or if an error is reported for all of them) */ /* ERRORS */ int cycle_a = cycle_b + 1; int cycle_b = cycle_c; int cycle_c = 1 + cycle_d; int cycle_d = cycle_e; int cycle_e = cycle_a; typedef StructType1 = (int x, int y); StructType1 st1 = (12, 34); int stbad = st1.z; // ERROR nonexistent member int badexpr1 = -(-); // ERROR broken expression (should not attempt to evaluate) int use_bad = arr_f + arr_h + badexpr1; (int, int x) anonmember = (123, 456); int use_anon_member = anonmember.x;