// execute all if statements (regardsless of previous outcome), // and execute "if any" statement if any condition is true. if a { ... } and if b { ... } and if c { ... } if any { ... } // normal if-else, but with "if any" statement executed if // any condition was true (basically, an opposite of else in this case) if a { ... } else if b { ... } else if c { ... } if any { ... } // execute "if any" statement if the loop is entered at least once // (for "for", "while" and "do-while" loops) while a { ... } if any { ... } // the opposite of "if any" is usually "else" or "empty", but sometimes "if none". if a { ... } else if b { ... } else { ... } while a { ... } empty { ... } for b in c { ... } empty { ... } if a { ... } and if b { ... } if none { ... } // ("if none" might be tricky to implement, due to "none" being an expression // term also. perhaps it's better to just use "else"?) // what should happen if "and if" and "else if" are mixed? // perhaps forbid this? how to implement the check? // or allow it if the "else if" comes after the "and if(s)"?