Collection types ================ - Range types (see LRL stdlib) - List -- see list_types.txt - Set -- see list_types.txt - Map - MultiMap - LinProbeSet (a compact set for uniformly distributed integers, like hashes)... Shouldn't this be a specialized Set type? - RingBuffer - Cache -- has an open function that either returns: a blank entry for writing, a future for later reading (or blocking read) or error - Pool -- has available and in-use resources, and may have automatic growing and shrinking - TransformationBuffer -- starts with untransformed data (type T) and transforms in in-place into a smaller or equally sized type U. - TextBuffer -- text buffer that allows efficient character/line insertion/deletion, search/replace and multi-level undo. Text segments may have arbitrary "attribute" objects also Should we have compressed types also? - CompressedList - SolidCompressedList - CompressedMap (compressed values only) ...and should we also have encrypted types? ...or, should we only have wrappers for compression and encryption? Must simpler. Concurrent types ---------------- - ConcurrentQueue / ConcurrentList - ConcurrentSet - ConcurrentRingBuffer (- ConcurrentCache?) - ConcurrentPool