SLUL Build File format ====================== Sectioned conf format. The tokens are the same as for SLUL files with the addition of [Sections], which can appear at the start of a line (i.e. they may not be indented). [SLUL Build File] name = MyProject id = org.kodafritt.myproject version = 0.1.0 repo = git+https://githosting.example/myproject repo = git:// website = # license for the whole module license = GPLv3 # license override for individual files license = GPLv3 a.slul b.slul [Dependencies] # SLUL should search for: # /usr/share/slul-modules/NAME/IDENTIFIER_VERSION.slul # /usr/share/slul-modules/NAME/ # /usr/local/share/slul-modules/NAME/IDENTIFIER_VERSION.slul # /usr/local/share/slul-modules/NAME/ # ~/.local/share/slul-modules/NAME/IDENTIFIER_VERSION.slul # ~/.local/share/slul-modules/NAME/ # %COMMONFILES%/slul-modules/NAME/IDENTIFIER_VERSION.slul # %COMMONFILES%/slul-modules/NAME/ # %APPDATA%/slul-modules/NAME/IDENTIFIER_VERSION.slul # %APPDATA%/slul-modules/NAME/ # Higher versions may be used as well, since SLUL modules # are required to be backward compatible. # The .slul files are copies of the interface.slul files for the libraries. # The .info files are copies of the slulbuild.conf files. # (the [Source] section could be skipped though) gtk3 3.0.0 or qt5 optional libogg 1.3.0 from org.example.libogg as ogg13 optional libogg 1.1.0 from org.example.libogg as ogg11 [Source] main.slul something.slul dir/somethingelse.slul "file with spaces.slul" "å.slul" [Targets] # automatic executable myproject library mylibrary interface.slul objfile myobject objfile.slul manpage man.1 # more specific executable elf myproject if posix executable pe myproject.exe if win32 [References] # Each line corresponds to one possible way to obtain the dependency. # # Running something like "slul --dep-install=XXX" will download and # install dependencies. # # In the early versions of the "slul" implementated in SLUL, it will # probably not support compilation, and instead call "cslul" for that. # # When auto-downloading, the download should be keyed to the # (URL,signature) tuple or to (hash). # Unsigned/unhashed downloads can be used/re-used after a user prompt. # # Note that # is a special character! # But we should have special handling for -+*/ etc. gtk3 = gpg:1E39A66D940D... "git+https://githosting.example/user/repo" gtk3 = dist:deb:libgtk3-slul-dev pkgversion:0.1-3 # should multi-line entries be allowed? # these lines specify a specific implementation of libogg org.xiph.libogg = gpg:329FA354... "git+https://githosting.example/user/repo#/some/dir/in/repo" org.xiph.libogg 1.1.0 = sha256:2E48A53... "git+https://githosting.example/user/repo#v1.1.0/some/dir/in/repo" somepkg = gpg:C24AF490.... sigfile:.asc "tar+zstd+" somepkg = bundled:lib/somepkg Syntax definition: * # is the comment character. It may appear anywhere on a line, but is treated as an ordinary character inside strings. A comment may not follow directly after a non-whitespace character (this applies to SLUL source files also). There may not be a comment inside an entry. * [ starts a section header. It may contain letters, spaces and digits and must end with a ]. It may not have leading, trailing or repeated spaces. It must start at the beginning of a line (no indentation allowed). If a non-comment token comes before the section header, then there must be a blank line inbetween. * Blank lines are ignored, but they are not allowed inside entries. * An entry is any of the following: 1. An identifier/string followed by a = is a key-value entry. 2. A section specific keyword (like "executable", "library") followed by a series of tokens specific to that keyword. 3. A single identifier/string. 4. A single identifier/string optionally followed by a series of tokens specific to the section. * Each type of section allows one kind of entry. FIXME simplify this? Styles: (Should the style be enforced?) [Section] SomeKey=Value OtherKey=Value [section] some_key=value other_key=value [Section] SomeKey = Value OtherKey = Value [Section] some_key = value other_key = value [Section] Some Key = Value Other Key = Value [Section] some key = value other key = value