[slul] name = MyProject id = org.kodafritt.myproject version = 0.1.0 # for libraries, this must be updated each time the API is changed. # this way, API changes can be traced with repeative "git blame" calls (or equivalent). # - there must be a command to generate "apilock" codes also # - how about modules that expose multiple APIs / multiple libraries/interfaces? api.latest = 0.0.8 3fKf3-2kCAvc.... # these could cause problems with the 50 byte limit for values # (allow up to 250 bytes for repo and website lines? and perhaps other lines?) # - what limitations do INI parsing libraries have? repo = git://git.example.org/myproject git+https://githosting.example/myproject repo.mirror = git://git-mirroring.example.net/myproject website = https://example.org # license for the whole module license = GPLv3 license.file = COPYING license.list = doc/licenses.txt [platform] # default: 32 # - do we need min_pointer? maybe useful for some kind of intptr_t type min_int = 16 min_pointer = 16 min_size = 16 # default: on float = false function_pointers = false # XXX FIXME we need to split this in: # 1. dependencies needed to compile the interface # 2. dependencies needed to compile the implementation # - have a separate keyword "exposed" to make it usable in the interface # - in order for a module M that use a module with exposed dependencies, to # actually be able to access declarations that refer to the "exposed" # dependencies' types, then M must also list the "exposed" dependencies # as its own dependencies (but they don't necessarilly have to be listed # as exposed) # - this way, recursive dependencies are avoided. # - XXX what about minimum versions for exposed modules? # - parsing interfaces of dependencies must be done with care: # - the interface of a dependency should only be able to access # declarations from modules that it lists as exposed # - different modules could have conflicting versions/identifiers # in exposed dependencies. # (perhaps simply forbid them from being used together then?) [dependencies] glib = exposed ui = set ui.gtk3 = 3.0.1 ui.qt5 ui.sdl2 audio = set audio.sdl2 audio.portaudio ogglib = optional set ogglib.ogg = [source] main.slul something.slul dir/somethingelse.slul # ^ dots in names... this makes it tricky to add sub-properties later on # renames, for resolving name conflicts. # only identifiers in the requested minimum versions become available (and can lead to conflicts). # unresolved name conflicts simply makes the affected identifiers unavailable. [renames] glib.g_keyfile_new = glib_keyfile_new [targets] myproject = executable mylibrary = library interface.slul myobject = objfile objfile.slul elfproject = elf if posix peproject.exe = pe if win32 # ^ dots in names... this makes it tricky to add sub-properties later on # should we have it? probably a good idea. # - i think the only downside is that it might use quite a lot of space here after many versions have been released (say 100 versions with API changes...) # - needs some command like "slul prepare-release" to move obsolete versions here (after prompting?) # (maybe based on GIT revision history, if not available we can just print an error if the API has changed.) # - perhaps even require apilock in the [references]? # perhaps this should be a separate file? # - that way we could also include basically version control information # (how the API was changed in each version) # XXX can recursive incompatiblities happen? if so, how to detect and prevent it? # XXX there needs to be a way to undo incompatible changes, # e.g. if version 0.0.9 turns out to break stuff, we want to be able # to release and go back to the old API (which means that 0.0.9 is # incompatible with both newer and older versions, but that older versions # and newer versions remain compatible) [api] 0.0.1 = sl39fja_kwL... 0.0.4 = a3wstVIi2acC... 0.0.8 = 3fKf3-2kCAvc... # with changes: (how long will those typically be? how much can we compress the data, and the changes?) # - can we optimize for compatible changes? # the only allowed compatible changes are: # - adding a new function/type/variable/constant # - adding a field last to an incomplete struct # - adding a value to an incomplete enum # - something else? # - also, all "paths" (of changes) to get to one specific API should result in the same final hash. # - i.e. an API should be compatible *if and only if* the hash is the same (aside from hash collisions) # - we should sort everything in a deterministic order. # - byte 1: name length # - byte 2: type & number of shared bytes in name with previous name. # - byte 3: name (6-bit? a-zA-Z0-9_ are the allowed characters) # - byte 4-: varint of index of return/data type # - ... # (or put all this data columns-wise, with delta-coded integers. and maybe compress it?) # - a change can then be: # - name length of new item (only additions, not changes!) # - type & number of shared bytes in name with previous name # - here we need 5 types (new-func, new-type, new-data, and also new-field and new-enum-value) # - new-field and new-enum needs a varint index of the modified type # - 6-bit name # - varint of index of return/data type # - ... # - there needs to be some reserved byte sequence for future extensibility for adding backwards incompatible language features. [api] 0.0.1 = sl39fja_kwL... sfdaKCO2k3Ck_aFrWdchy55hlafJca52oaFczldfkjAJIda54sscGaxOC34xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... 0.0.4 = a3wstVIi2acC... fdskJALWJLASsafFDFsdfsdfsdfsfdfGSDDVv-dfSDFSDGDSFJVdGLSJKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... 0.0.8 = 3fKf3-2kCAvc... FKRJcxcfalfccascKkccACFDFFFSdsfsFSDVDSvkldsdsvcxxxvcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... 2.0.0 = incompatible Dz2gdosd... daKRP3ffsflfAKrOFa2flcaafk-lvosdvmvkDG2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.... [references] # it must be clear that these are just *suggestions*. # dependencies can still be found in other locations, # as long as they provide the same *name* (=promise to implement an interface) and are *trusted* by the user. common.gpg.pubkeys = lib/pubkeys/ # ^ gpg must be connected to a project... this requires that filenames match dependency names gtk3.repo = git+https://githosting.example/user/repo gtk3.repo.gpg = 1E39A66D940D... gtk3.debian = libgtk3-slul-dev gtk3.debian.min_version = 0.1-3 # make it possible to lock to a specific API (strongly recommended!) # later versions can still be used, but they must be compatible. # XXX allow multiple versions/hashes here? # XXX also, make it clear that this is NOT a GIT revision! # perhaps use base64url? gtk3.apilock = 3.0.0 DwsK3sc9fxI5cE.... # lock to a testsuite (this should really have a permissive license, or at least F/OSS) gtk3.testlock = TODO.... # should the version be included in the key? # e.g. somepkg.1.0.0.release = xxxxxx # but it kind of doesn't make sense to link to multiple versions somepkg.release = tar+zstd+https://example.org/releases/somepkg-1.0.0.tar.zst somepkg.release.ver = 1.0.0 somepkg.release.gpg = C24AF490.... somepkg.release.sigfile = .asc somepkg.bundled = lib/somepkg other.release = tar+zstd+https://example.org/releases/somepkg-*.tar.zst other.release.verlist = https://example.org/releases/somepkg/ # URLs... should they include tar+zstd or should that be separate? # - having them in the URL makes it possible to have multiple formats etc.