Langauge Server? ================ Problems: * Incremental code analyzis * LSP is more complex than necessary (json + jsonrpc + UTF-16 positions + ...) Some links: (DAP, debugger adapter protocol) What can be improved? --------------------- * Use a simple, binary, protocol * Use byte offsets * Use a three-component architecture: - Editor - "Base language helper" (with common functionality that is shared across languages and editors) - Language server * Use a fully asynchronous protocol - Numbered requests - Numbered respones - Cancellation can be supported (but should be an optional feature) * Serialization: - Allow the language servers to serialize data - Can be used for caching - Can be used for snapshots - Can be used to implement cancellation (snapshot - terminate process - restart from snapshot) - Can be used to implement parallelism (snapshot - clone - merge) * Delta-serialization: - Language server sends back modifications to the "Base language helper" - "Base language helper" can normalize/simplify the "internal tree". * Always send all messages? - Avoids the need for handshake messages - Just ignore any unsupported messages Example ------- Initialization: Editor->BLH: /*init*/0x0000 /*version*/0x0000 /*num_ext*/0x0001 /*use_ext*/0x0001 /*/*extlen*/0x0004 /*extname*/"base" (or use a string table?) Key press: Editor->BLH: /*"insert"*/0x1234 /*line*/456 /*col*/12 /*end_line*/456 /*end_col*/12 /*ins_len*/1 /*ins*/"a" BLH->langserver: -dito- token?... langserver->BLH: serialization... Alternative design ------------------ Everything should be async TODO shouldn't dependencies be tracked also? Initialization: 1. Ed->LS: Send source (includes filename) 2. Ed<-LS: Reply with a list of tokens (id, startbyte, endbyte, [token-info]) Include file request (asynchronous): - can be used to re-request the main file 1. Ed<-LS: Request file 2. Ed->LS: Send source (includes filename) 3. Ed<-LS: (optional) Reply with a list of tokens (id, startbyte, endbyte) --- Parsed Info --- Error message (asynchronous): 1. Ed<-LS: Error message (error-id, startbyte, endbyte) Completion suggestion (asynchronous): 1. Ed<-LS: Suggestion (suggestion-request-id, suggestion, suggestion-type, kind, have-more-results) suggestion-types: "one-possibility" "very-likely" "normal" "unlikely" Fix suggestion: 1. Ed<-LS: (error-id, description, [edit-operation...]) Code edit result from action (same as edit calls, but with an "action-request-id"): 1. Ed<-LS: (action-request-id, token-id, offset, delete-len, insert-string) 1. Ed<-LS: (action-request-id, token-before-or-null, offset, delete-len, insert-string) 1. Ed<-LS: (action-request-id, file-id, byte-offset, delete-len, replace-with-string) Token information (asynchronous): 1. Ed<-LS: Token information (id, startbyte, endbyte, [token-info], add-to-existing, have-more-results) token-info: (kind, [(definition-type, definition-ref)...], [available-action...], [maybe-available-action...]) (the same token can be redefined when there is more information) Token range information (asynchronous): #1. Ed<-LS: Token range (start-id, end-id, type-ref(definition/builtin), name-ref(definition/string)) 1. Ed<-LS: Token range (start-id, end-id, [token-info], add-to-existing, have-more-results) FIXME cannot support holes in the range FIXME more kinds of references? FIXME cannot support multiple references of the same type Declaration: 1. Ed<-LS (definition-id, textual-name, kind, start-token-id, end-token-id, main-token-id) "Body of declaration" / definition / implementation: 1. Ed<-LS (definition-id, start-token-id, end-token-id, main-token-id) --- Edits --- Edit inside token: 1. Ed->LS: (token-id, offset, delete-len, insert-string) Edit after token: 1. Ed->LS: (token-before-or-null, offset, delete-len, insert-string) Large delete/replace: 1. Ed->LS: (file-id, byte-offset, delete-len, replace-with-string) Request suggestions / Move cursor: 1. Ed->LS: (suggestion-request-id, line, column) Set area of interest: 1. Ed->LS: (interst-type, token-start, token-end) interest-type: "visible-area" = look quickly for info "hover" = look hard "menu" = look harder "definitions" = look for definitions "usages" = look for usages (note: the editor is responsible for filtering unwanted info!) Perform action: 1. Ed->LS: (action-id, token-id) 1. Ed->LS: (action-id, token-start-id, token-end-id)