Some ideas for a runtime API... Nice to have: * Request (or "pre-cache"?) many operations, then "start" them, and fetch results. fs.getsysdir(sysdir_id) -> dir [path].fromname(s) -> path [path].frompathstr(s) -> path [path].fromarray(s[],len=s.len) -> path # read-only vs read-write directories? dir.opendir(path) -> dir dir.openfile(path) -> file dir.openr(path) -> rfile dir.openw(path) -> wfile # also, it would be nice to have some specialized and/or high level file types, such as: # - reading into a byte/text stream (without any seek functionality) # - streaming parsed data from the file # or, maybe something like this: fs.asyncfs(sysrootdir_id) -> adir asyncdir.subdir(path) -> adir asyncdir.openr(path) -> arfile arfile.req(offs=0, nbytes=-1) # requests bytes to be read # maybe skip async stuff and use only green threads? [fs].new() fs.sysdir(sysrootdir_id) -> dir dir.subdir(path) -> dir dir.openr(path) -> rfile # the above functions return futures # these functions block: dir.error() -> error rfile.error() -> error[],nbytes) -> len rfile.close() # function for submitting pending open/subdir requests # (or should this be implicit?) fs.submit() # this would drop privs for all threads. # maybe the sys object should be passed as a parameter to slul_main? sys.dropprivs() # but in "SLUSYS" we should of course pass command-line parameters that # refer to files/directories as file references, and not allow access # to any other files! func slul_main(procctx) -> int { } # cool idea: # how about having implicit types for parameters with a lowercase # version of a type name? # # these might need to be unambiguous, though. # (which leads to the same problem that Java has with capitalization of abbreviations) # also: # procctx -> Procctx(ugly!) # proc_ctx(ugly!) -> ProcCtx # can we avoid this? # one really simple way is to require that identifiers are unique # even *case-insensitively* from character 2 to the end. for example: # procctx == pROCCTX # ProcCtx == Procctx == PROCCTX == ProcCTX # this feels like a good idea anyway, because it prevents confusing code from compiling. # # # we could *maybe* also extend this to parameters named i,j (indices, BUT int or usize???) # "len" is pretty much unambiguously a usize (although a smaller type may be desired sometimes). # # This could also be extended to variables: # - some kind of "let" syntax but ONLY when the name tells which type it is (it's not an obfuscation contest!) # - for "ret" variables, we could (maybe) also get the type from the function body. # (in this case, it is not a strict "let" syntax, because the variable is mutable) # # Maybe allow this only with the "ref" and "data" keywords? # And require a uppercase starting letter for names of types? # ref file = ... # data point = ... # data color = .rgb(0, 0, 255) # Equivalent to: # ref File file = ... # data Point point = ... # data Color color = .rgb(0, 0, 255) # The downside of this is that it encourages longer names. # Long names are good for identifiers that are only used a few times, # but otherwise it is nicer with short names: # ref File f = ... # data Point p = ... # data Color clr = ...