Alterantives to struct/union ============================ See also usability_improvements.txt - record: a type without a single unique adress (similar to a "value type" in other languages) - object: a type with a single unique adress (always passed by reference and compared by reference) - variant: a type that can have one of several types (sometimes called "sum type") Semantic details ---------------- - objects cannot be declared inline / anonymously. - taking a reference of an anonymous record should NOT be allowed. Syntax details -------------- * When referenced from identifiers, you should have to specifiy whether it is a copy or ref - By a qualifier keyword: "ref"/"copy"? (perhaps a better solution?) - Or inferred by a type keyworde: "record"/"object"/"variant"? * record could imply "copy" when it appears *direcly* (without going through an identifier) in another type Variants -------- type E1 = enum { A, B } type V1 = variant E1 { A = record { ... } B = record { ... } } Make syntax more readable for nested "structs"? ----------------------------------------------- Problem: type T1 = record { record { ... } f1 record { ... } f2 } It would be nicer to be able to the field name on the first line of the field declaration. Syntax alternative 1: Use Pascal/Go order of identifier/type type T1 = record { f1: record { ... } f1 f2: record { ... } } Syntax alternative 2: Special case for "structs" type T1 = record { record f1 { ... } f1 record f2 { ... } } Simplification: Remove "type" keyword? -------------------------------------- Instead of this: type R = record { ... } type O = object { ... } type E = enum { ... } type I = int<0..5> # size is 3 bits it could be written like this: record R { ... } class C { ... } # keyword: "class" or "object? enum E { ... } record I { int<0..5> num } # size is 3 bits (for record types only) But this syntax is identical with "syntax alternative 2" for nested records! But on the other hand, when reading it, I think it is obvious what it does, and it's very concise: record R { int field1 record field2 { int nested1 int nested2 enum nested3 { a b } } } Keywords for "object" vs "record" --------------------------------- With/without identity and address: - object / record (Pascal style) - class / struct (C# style, but can be confused with C++) - class the / class one (English language style) - class / record - class unique C / class data C (self-explanatory style 1) - class C unique / class C data (self-explanatory style 2) - class / data (needs a keyword rename for data decls) class File unique { ... } class Point data { ... } But enums are also identity-less! Also, it is not obvious that "enum E { ... }" is a type. The reader could interpret it as a variable. Methods inside class definitons? -------------------------------- Is this a good or bad idea? class File { func .open(string filename) or FileError func read(var []byte buffer) -> usize or FileError func close() or FileError } It can shorten the lines a lot if the class name is long and/or if there are type parameters! On the other hand, it leads to one additional level of indentation on all lines. Shorthand syntax for union-with-constructors? --------------------------------------------- type FileParam = union { # ... tag field? struct { string filename } from_filename struct { usize len ref [len]byte data } from_buffer } func MarkdownFormatter.format(ref FileParam fp) -> Formatted lifetime return >= this func do_stuff() { ref Formatted formatted ... formatted = mdformatter.format(.from_filename("")) }