# (Export) = Exported function that is not used internally # (FP) = False positive # (Test) = Test of failure cases # (Unimpl) = Unimplemented code leading to warning # (Unsupp) = Unsupported / Edge cases that we don't care about # (FP) Temporarily pointing field in parameter object to stack-allocated object autoVariables:ir.c # (FP) Temporarily pointing field in ctx object to stack-allocated object autoVariables:typechk.c # (Test) Some of the mock functions do not touch their parameters constParameter:unittest/test_build.c # (FP) Does not take individual struct fields into account ctuuninitvar:context.c # (FP) Does not take individual struct fields into account ctuuninitvar:winlibc/winlibc.c # (FP) Branches may have identical IR/machine code, but they use different types duplicateBranch:parse.c # (FP) Probably due to if (0) with case inside knownConditionTrueFalse:winlibc/winlibc.c # (FP) String pointers are intentionally compared in test literalWithCharPtrCompare:unittest/test_winlibc.c # (Test) Out-of-memory testing is currently unsupported on Windows (TODO) memleakOnRealloc:unittest/test_winlibc.c # (Test) Needed to test tautological libc calls memsetZeroBytes:unittest/test_winlibc.c # (FP) Otherwise cppcheck gives warnings about libc headers missingIncludeSystem:* # (Test) Needed to test invalid strncmp call nullPointer:unittest/test_winlibc.c # (Test) Needed to test tautological libc calls stringCompare:unittest/test_winlibc.c # (Unsupp) Tests are single-threaded. So buff threadsafety-threadsafety:unittest/test_winlibc.c # (Export) cslul_ll_has_errors and cslul_ll_ifacedep_iter are not used internally unusedFunction:context.c # (Export) Not all libc functions are used in cslul unusedFunction:winlibc/winlibc.c # (FP) cslul DOES use fptr_alloc, but there still a warning about it unusedStructMember:*/src-backend/include/csbe.h # (FP) It complains about CSBE_OPDEF1 being unknown. But it's not unknownMacro:*/src-backend/include/csbe_ops.h # (FP) False positive on "entries" field unusedStructMember:errors.c